Wednesday, September 21, 2011

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Indemnity Bank, Hacker Forced to Sell House

However, the sale is still far from enough.
A hacker in Russia was forced to sell all his property to change the capital he stole from the bank RBS. Nonetheless, the cash he earned through the sale is still faraway from sufficient.
Reported by the BBC, Tuesday, September 20, 2011, Viktor Pleshchuck, has sold two houses as well as cars, BMW and Lada brand, in an auction. From sales, he were pocket the £ 200,000.

The number is still not capable to pay for the dollars that must be paid to RBS, which reached Six million pounds. In accordance with the court's choice common, Pleshchuck not jailed for six years if he is to replace all losses suffered by RBS.
With seven other colleagues all through Eastern Europe, Pleshchuk managed to get into hundreds of customer information of RBS in 2008. On the market data, they then generate counterfeit a credit card and withdraw cash in large quantities from 1200 Atms in 280 cities around the globe inside 12 hours.

ATMs which are broken which are within the Us, Estonia, Italy, Hong Kong, Japan and Canada. They are all caught in Georgia in 2009 after successfully tracked by U.S. security agencies.

Net security professionals from Kaspersky, Alex Gostev, stated break-ins they actually do just isn't difficult for that hacker. Though the remarkable factor will be the coordination on the breaker with all the persons in the field to get their cash simultaneously in many countries.

"They have to obtain 150 people in various cities, giving it a fake card and instructions to pull together. This suggests they are a small grouping trained specialists," said Gostev.
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